A Complete Guide to Canada Permanent Visas

Through this, they can join the program for family sponsorship, which enables them to apply for Canadian permanent residency. To be eligible for Canada’s family sponsorship program, both the sponsor and their relatives who reside abroad must fulfil several criteria.

Who can you sponsor in Canada?

If you meet certain requirements, you can sponsor your spouse, common-law partner, child, parent, grandparent, or other relative.

How To Become a Sponsor for Your Family Members

If you satisfy the following requirements, you may sponsor someone in Canada:

  • You are of legal age.
  • You are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
  • According to the Canadian Indian Act, you are recognized as an Indian in Canada.
  • You earn enough money to support the people you are sponsoring.
  • Unless you have a disability, you are not receiving social assistance.
  • You are not detained in a jail, prison, or penitentiary.
  • You don’t have a criminal record
  • You must demonstrate that you intend to remain in Canada after the individuals you sponsor are granted residency
  • You haven’t filed for bankruptcy.
  • You don’t owe back child support or alimony or have any other mandatory family support obligations.
  • You don’t have an unpaid immigration loan.
  • There is no removal order against you.
  • You must not have been sponsored by another spouse/partner within the last five years.
  • You are not allowed to owe a former spouse or partner, (you once sponsored) any unpaid debts.
  • Note: If you live in Quebec, please do not apply for this program.
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For more information about the Family-Sponsorship Program, visit the official website.

Self-employed Person Visa

The Self-employed Person visa is available to people who can launch their businesses and have skills in business, athletics, culture, or farming. These people must demonstrate their skill in those particular areas as well as how they will finance the venture.

However, merely holding one of those professions is insufficient to give your application for a self-employed visa any chance of success. Additionally, you must demonstrate that you have enough expertise in those two areas to significantly benefit Canada.

NOTE: As of March 2018, the Canadian government is no longer accepting applications for agriculture under the self-employed category.

Eligibility for the Canada Self-Employed Visa

If you fit the following criteria, you can apply for a self-employed visa for Canada:

– You have the necessary knowledge and abilities.

To work as a self-employed person in Canada, you must possess the necessary experience and skills. Two years of experience is the bare minimum required for self-employment. This experience must have been acquired within the five years before your application.