10 Top Tips for Moving Overseas Cheaply

If you own a car, you must decide whether to sell it or ship it overseas. Selling your car will be easier and will provide you with extra funds for your relocation. Consider whether you truly require a car in your new home. Many countries have better public transportation or walking cities than many places in the United States.

If you decide to keep your car, find a reputable international shipper that specializes in vehicle shipping. Check that your current vehicle complies with all environmental and safety regulations in your new country. Then fill out the necessary paperwork to relocate your vehicle.

You must also wash and empty your vehicle before shipping it. Many countries have strict rules about soil on or in your vehicle because it can bring in foreign pests, so deep clean your car to stay in compliance.

8, Get Insurance

Although moving insurance is an additional cost, it can save you thousands of dollars if your belongings are damaged during the move.

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We recommend purchasing moving insurance to protect your belongings. Particularly expensive items such as electronics, artwork, or high-end jewellery. Consider purchasing speciality shipping insurance to protect your vehicle if you’re shipping it.

Remember to shop around for the best moving insurance deal. Inform your insurance provider that you’re moving overseas. They will make recommendations on the types of moving insurance you’ll need to cover your belongings.  How to get insurance.

Medical insurance is another critical factor to consider when relocating abroad. Depending on where you’re going, you may need to purchase private medical insurance.